• Untitled Address
  • Elder Orson F. Whitney
  • October 1926, Pages 91-97

Were I to say that the founders of this Nation builded better than they knew, few if any would question the statement. But if, in addition to that, I should voice my conviction that this great Government was established purposely to favor the coming forth of the Church of Christ in this dispensation-the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times-many would deem my declaration presumptuous and even preposterous. Great movements are generally so regarded in the beginning.

It was “presumptuous” in Columbus to pit himself against the learned ignorance of his age, and proclaim the earth round, when public opinion held it to be square and flat or shaped like a cheese. But his “presumption” led to the discovery of the Western Hemisphere and the founding of the mightiest nation of modern times. It was “presumptuous” for the American colonies to declare their independence and array themselves against the militant might of the British Empire. But they succeeded, and their “presumption” was swallowed up in victory, amid the thunders of the world’s applause. In like manner it may look presumptuous for a little handful of people, numbering only half a million all told, to claim that a nation originally of three millions and now of one hundred and ten millions, was founded for the express purpose of furthering their God-given mission of preparing the way before Messiah’s second advent. But when the Kingdom of Heaven prevails, and Christ is reigning in person over a glorified planet, such a claim will not be considered presumptuous, preposterous, nor at all out of the way.

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