• Untitled Address
  • Elder Melvin J. Ballard
  • October 1938, Pages 105-108

I am not afraid of any foreign foe disturbing this nation. Our perils will all come from within. It is true the Prophet saw even the Constitution hanging as by a thread, but, thank the Lord, he never saw the thread break. He saw this people play a conspicuous part, to be a balance of power with others to preserve it. For after all, it is destined, according to the word of the Lord, to become the savior and blessing of all flesh, not only the peoples of the United States. And after the experiments with dictatorships and other methods, they will, at last, when they have learned their lesson and are prepared for it, be willing to receive the Lord’s offering, after much suffering.

They could have saved themselves all this, for if all the nations of the earth had received the message of the Gospel, as your fathers did who came from those foreign nations, would there be peace in the world? Yes. If the spirit that is in the hearts of you Germans, you Scandinavians, you English, you Scotch, who are in this Church, were in the hearts of all your people living in these foreign lands today, there could not be war. There would be brotherhood and there would be peace.

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