• Untitled Address
  • President Anthony W. Ivins
  • October 1933, Pages 82-90

The prophet Isaiah, referring to this land of America, these ever-lasting hills, declared that at a future time-the time to which he referred was the latter days-the house of the Lord would be established here, and that all nations would flow unto it; that they would be taught here the way of the Lord and learn to walk in his paths. By foreknowledge of God the prophets declared that by the direction of his Spirit the Lord would bring people to this continent who would establish this form of government, and said that they would never be overthrown or conquered by other nations, if they would but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ.

The destiny of America from the day that Columbus sailed from the ports of Spain to the present, was declared by the prophets of the Lord, as I have said, before the people of Europe knew that America existed. The sailing of Columbus, from the port of Palos, in Spain, was not a thing of chance. It had been declared by the prophets nearly two thousand years before that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon a man among the Gentiles, and that he would sail forth and land upon this continent. As he sailed on and on over uncharted seas, his crew was in open revolt, they declared that they would go no farther, and that upon the morrow they would turn the prows of their ships back to the east and endeavor to find their way back to Spain, but upon that eventful night a gun from the Pinta announced that land had been sighted. A new world had been discovered.

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