The Divine Origins of The Constitution

Why do we, as Americans, believe that our Constitution and form of government are so important? There are many nations in the world with various forms of governments. What makes ours stand out? What makes it special? Why is it necessary that we befriend the Constitution?

Our Constitution is special because it did not come from man, but from our Heavenly Father. It stands out because it is the best form of government for mortal men. In the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord acknowledges that He is the author of the Constitution. D&C 101:80 says, “And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose…”

The entire history of the United States is one of Divine origin. In a vision to Nephi, recorded in 1 Nephi 13, Heavenly Father explained how He guided the destiny of the United States. He inspired Columbus to discover America (verse 12). He gave promptings to those such as the Pilgrims, with deep Christian convictions and yearnings for freedom, to leave their homeland and travel to the New World (verse 13) to establish colonies. When war broke out between the colonies and Great Britain, our Heavenly Father again exercised divine intervention and strengthened the fledgling colonies, allowing them to win the Revolutionary War (verses 17-18). In this way, He set the stage for the creation of the Constitution.

After the Revolutionary war, it became obvious that a new type of government was necessary. The colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia to solve the problem. The men who met that summer were very different. They had very different backgrounds, interests and ideas. Sometimes the arguments were intense. There were several times when it seemed like they would fail. But somehow, despite their different backgrounds, ideas and feelings, they managed to write the Constitution. The fact that men who were so different could come together and agree is evidence that Heavenly Father was helping and guiding them. The first president of our Country, George Washington, said, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.” George Washington acknowledged and was thankful for the help Heavenly Father gave in establishing the United States and the Constitution.

Why is it important to understand and believe that our Constitution is inspired of God? Why does it matter to us where it came from? It matters for this reason: if we believe that the Constitution is inspired, then we believe that the rights and privileges contained are given to us by God. And if we believe they are given to us by God, we understand the importance in not giving up those rights and privileges to those who would try to persuade us that there is a better way. We already have the best way. We know that the Constitution comes from God. We know that it is the best form of government. It would follow, then, that it deserves our loyalty, support, and protection.

George Washington, First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789

Published July 10, 2016