Where does government get its power?

Where does government get its power?

God gave to each person his moral agency or freedom of choice. That agency allows each person to choose for themselves how they will live their lives. The ability to choose is an essential part of God’s plan for His children. When the ability to choose is taken from a person they are limited in their ability to progress.

God also granted to each person certain rights that are necessary to the use of their agency. As stated in The Declaration of Independence, we have the God given right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. The Bill of Rights lists other God given rights such as freedom of religion and freedom of speech. We also have the right to own and control property.

As we learned in the answer to a previous question “Why do we need government”, some people refuse to respect the agency and rights of others. They try to harm others. For this reason government is needed. But where does government gets its power?

To learn where government gets it power consider how the government defends individuals against harm. God grants to each person the right of self defense. We are justified in defending ourselves, our families, our property, and our rights from those who would do us harm. If there were no government then we would spend most of our time defending ourselves and there would be little time for much else. We might also be unable to defend ourselves against individuals more powerful than we are. People can form a government to provide them with the defense they need to be able to live their lives as they desire. Rather than each person defending themselves the government protects them. In forming a government they each grant to it their God-given right to self defense. The government’s power to defend individuals is nothing more than the collective right of self defense that belongs to the people individually.

So it is with all other legitimate powers of government. Since government is created by the people, with powers granted by the people, it can only have those powers the people themselves posses and have willing granted to the government. So all legitimate government power comes from the people themselves. That is why the Constitution begins with the words “We the People.”

Published August 24, 2016