What is the proper role of government?

The proper role of government is to prevent people from injuring or destroying the peace of others. Specifically it is to protect its citizens from those who would try to limit, or take away, their right to life, liberty and property.

A proper government is set up by the people and receives its powers from the people that it governs. When set up correctly, a good government will be staffed and run by the very people that it governs. Thus, the people govern themselves.

A proper government keeps people from causing bodily harm to one another. It protects life. This seems obvious in this century, but life hasn’t always been protected like it should. A proper government has laws set in place, with a punishment affixed for those who would injure or kill another person. When the law is broken, the perpetrator is brought to trial and if found guilty will pay the penalty for his or her actions.

A proper government protects the liberty of its citizens, not only from each other, but from the government itself. A government that is set up correctly will deny the liberty of a citizen only if he/she is trying to take life, liberty or property from a fellow citizen. A government should not be involved in the day to day affairs of its citizens. It should only be there as a recourse for those citizens who have been injured by another. In all other matters people should be free to choose how they will live their lives.

Lastly, a proper government should protect the property of its citizens. It should protect their property if another citizen tries to take it and should protect it from being seized by the government. In order for citizens to prosper, they need to be free to work at whatever profession they desire, with the knowledge that the earnings they make will be theirs. Government should not force a citizen to give up their earnings to support others or to support a cause in which they do not believe. Citizens should be allowed the freedom to donate their money to the charities and organizations they desire.

When government is set up in such a fashion that it protects life, liberty, and property and allows citizens to govern themselves, then society will be peaceful and secure and the citizens can prosper and be happy.

Published August 24, 2016