Why do we need government?


We need government because people are not perfect. Because they are not perfect they do things that affect the freedoms and safety of those around them. Some people choose to physically harm others or to infringe upon their God given rights. Some people refuse to respect the property of those around them. Some people refuse to honor commitments. Well meaning people have disagreements that they are unable to resolve themselves. For these and other reasons government is needed.

We have government to create and enforce laws that protect individuals from those who would do them harm or who would infringe upon their rights. Without such laws and a government to enforce them no one would be safe. People would be deprived of their basic rights such as freedom of speech and religion. The weak would be at the mercy of the strong. Conflicts between individuals would be resolved through violence. People would have to constantly be armed and ready to defend themselves. Peace would be impossible.

We need government to protect individual property. Without government and laws to protect property people would spend the bulk of their time defending it from others. Your property would be yours only until someone stronger took it from you. There would be no incentive to work or produce anything that couldn’t be used immediately because it would just have to be defended or given up.

The economy depends on people honoring the contracts they make with others. Businesses can only operate if they know others will honor the contracts they have with them. Because some people are dishonest and refuse to honor their commitments there needs to be a mechanism to enforce contracts. This mechanism is provided by government through laws and courts.

Even well-meaning peaceful individuals will have disagreements they can’t resolve themselves. There needs to be a peaceful means of resolving such disagreements without resorting to violence. Government provides the means. Through laws and courts such disagreements can be resolved and enforced peacefully.

In short, we need government to protect us as individuals, to insure our God given rights, to protect our property, to enforce commitments, and to provide a peaceful means of resolving disagreements. For these reasons and others government and law are needed. For, as stated in the Doctrine and Covenants, without law “peace and harmony would be supplanted by anarchy and terror.”

Published August 24, 2016

What is the proper role of government?

The proper role of government is to prevent people from injuring or destroying the peace of others. Specifically it is to protect its citizens from those who would try to limit, or take away, their right to life, liberty and property.

A proper government is set up by the people and receives its powers from the people that it governs. When set up correctly, a good government will be staffed and run by the very people that it governs. Thus, the people govern themselves.

A proper government keeps people from causing bodily harm to one another. It protects life. This seems obvious in this century, but life hasn’t always been protected like it should. A proper government has laws set in place, with a punishment affixed for those who would injure or kill another person. When the law is broken, the perpetrator is brought to trial and if found guilty will pay the penalty for his or her actions.

A proper government protects the liberty of its citizens, not only from each other, but from the government itself. A government that is set up correctly will deny the liberty of a citizen only if he/she is trying to take life, liberty or property from a fellow citizen. A government should not be involved in the day to day affairs of its citizens. It should only be there as a recourse for those citizens who have been injured by another. In all other matters people should be free to choose how they will live their lives.

Lastly, a proper government should protect the property of its citizens. It should protect their property if another citizen tries to take it and should protect it from being seized by the government. In order for citizens to prosper, they need to be free to work at whatever profession they desire, with the knowledge that the earnings they make will be theirs. Government should not force a citizen to give up their earnings to support others or to support a cause in which they do not believe. Citizens should be allowed the freedom to donate their money to the charities and organizations they desire.

When government is set up in such a fashion that it protects life, liberty, and property and allows citizens to govern themselves, then society will be peaceful and secure and the citizens can prosper and be happy.

Published August 24, 2016

Where does government get its power?

Where does government get its power?

God gave to each person his moral agency or freedom of choice. That agency allows each person to choose for themselves how they will live their lives. The ability to choose is an essential part of God’s plan for His children. When the ability to choose is taken from a person they are limited in their ability to progress.

God also granted to each person certain rights that are necessary to the use of their agency. As stated in The Declaration of Independence, we have the God given right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. The Bill of Rights lists other God given rights such as freedom of religion and freedom of speech. We also have the right to own and control property.

As we learned in the answer to a previous question “Why do we need government”, some people refuse to respect the agency and rights of others. They try to harm others. For this reason government is needed. But where does government gets its power?

To learn where government gets it power consider how the government defends individuals against harm. God grants to each person the right of self defense. We are justified in defending ourselves, our families, our property, and our rights from those who would do us harm. If there were no government then we would spend most of our time defending ourselves and there would be little time for much else. We might also be unable to defend ourselves against individuals more powerful than we are. People can form a government to provide them with the defense they need to be able to live their lives as they desire. Rather than each person defending themselves the government protects them. In forming a government they each grant to it their God-given right to self defense. The government’s power to defend individuals is nothing more than the collective right of self defense that belongs to the people individually.

So it is with all other legitimate powers of government. Since government is created by the people, with powers granted by the people, it can only have those powers the people themselves posses and have willing granted to the government. So all legitimate government power comes from the people themselves. That is why the Constitution begins with the words “We the People.”

Published August 24, 2016

What type of government do we have?

When asked what type of government we have, most Americans would reply that we have a democracy. Others would say that we have a democratic republic. And there would be some who would say that we live in a republic. Many would argue that there is little difference between a democracy and a republic and that it really doesn’t matter what we call our form of government.

There actually are important differences between a republic and a democracy. They operate differently and bring about very different results. A republic is a government based on the rule of law. A democracy is a government based on the rule of men.

In a republic there are laws, based on sound principles, that everyone is required to obey. Those laws can only be changed through a deliberate and time consuming process. The citizens and the elected leaders are treated equally under the law. The laws protect the rights of all citizens especially those belonging to minorities.

In a democracy the laws are established by the will of the people by majority vote. The laws can be changed easily by a simple majority vote with no deliberation or thought. Everyone is expected to obey the law but the majority can always change laws they don’t like. The rights of minorities are not protected since the majority always has its way.

In the United States we vote to elect our leaders and some believe that this right to vote makes our government a democracy. However, in voting we are not making laws but rather choosing representatives who make the laws for us. Our representatives make laws by going through a deliberate and slow process, with many checks and balances, that helps to insure that our laws are sound and that the rights of all citizens are protected.

The United States is a republic and each state has a republican form of government. We are ruled by law and not by the whims of the majority. Everyone is equal before the law and the rights of all are protected.

Published August 24, 2016

Why is our republican type of government best?

Why is our republican type of government best?

As we learned in the answer to a previous question, we have a republican form of government. Because we have a written constitution we call it a constitutional republic. One reason that a republican form of government is best is because it provides the greatest protection for minorities.

In our society every person belongs to many groups. Some of those groups are large and others small. Some groups contain a majority of the people. Others contain only a small minority. We each belong to some groups that are majorities and other that are minorities. For example, automobile owners are a large group that consists of a majority of the people in the country. On the other hand, motorcycle owners are a smaller group that consists of a minority of the people.

The Founders wanted a government that would protect the rights of everyone regardless of what size of groups they belong to. They didn’t want one group to be able to infringe upon the rights of another. For example, they wouldn’t want automobile owners to be able to take away the right of motorcycle owners to use the public roads.

In a government where the power belongs to a dictator or a small number of people, no rights are protected. A dictator can take away the rights of anyone. The Founders didn’t want this situation so they set up a representative form of government where the power comes from the people themselves and where it is hard for a small number of people to get power.

In a purely democratic government the majority rules and they can always take away the rights of a minority. The Founders didn’t want this situation because the rights of minorities are not protected. They set up a government that makes it difficult for the majority to always get their way.

The republic set up by the Founders protects minorities by preventing a small number of people or a majority from taking away their rights. The rights of minorities are protected because we have laws that limit the power of government, because laws can only be changed through a deliberate and time consuming process, and because we don’t decide things by a majority vote.

In our republic it would be nearly impossible for automobile owners to ever be able to ban motorcycle owners from the roads. That is not by accident, but is the result of how our government is designed. Since we all belong to minorities our government protects the rights of everyone. For these reasons and others a republican form of government is best.

Published October 10, 2016

Why do we need a written constitution?

We need a written constitution to protect our rights. How does the Constitution do this?

The Constitution outlines how laws are to be made. It is a slow and careful process that involves the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President. The process helps prevent the government from making quick and unwise decisions in response to the demands of an angry majority. The process provides time for things to be considered in a thoughtful way. This prevents rash decisions that are harmful over time.

Changes to the Constitution itself can only be made through a lengthy and difficult process that is outlined in the Constitution. The process involves the House of Representatives, the Senate, and state governments. This provides the time necessary for changes to be fully discussed and considered. This also allows time for citizens to become informed and involved.

The Constitution ensures further protection by providing the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights specifically lists our basic God given rights and prohibits the government from limiting them. This protects the rights of all but is especially important to small groups because their rights are often under attack by the majority.

The Constitution divides power between the branches of the federal government and between the federal government and the states. This helps to prevent power from being concentrated in one place. When power gets concentrated in one place then the rights of everyone are at risk.

The Constitution creates a stable form of government that will not easily collapse in times of trouble, or be destroyed by small groups of people seeking power. This is important because all societies will experience challenges such as wars, depressions, riots, and natural disasters. Such events can create the perfect environment for government to fail, or someone to try to take over. We are protected from such things by the slow and deliberate manner in which our government works. It is easier to identify and stop changes that will destroy our government.

These are some of the reasons we need a written Constitution.

Published October 10, 2016

What is special about the US Constitution?

The United States Constitution is special because it is an inspired document. The men who wrote it did so under the inspiration and influence of God. It has been approved by Him in the scriptures. It is based on the wisdom of God and not of men.

The Constitution is special because its creation was part of the Almighty’s long term plans for the restoration of the gospel. It created a nation with the necessary religious freedoms to allow the gospel to be restored and the Church to be established and to grow. It created a nation that could serve as the base for the Church’s operations in this last dispensation.

The Constitution is special because it created a model of government to be copied by other nations. This is in fulfillment of the prophecy that “out of Zion shall go forth the law”. Most nations with written constitutions have used the US Constitution as a model. As other nations adopt similar constitutions they too may enjoy the same blessings as those living under the Constitution.

The Constitution is special because the men who created the Constitution were good and wise men chosen by God. God prepared them for the purpose of writing the Constitution and establishing our nation. Wilford Woodruff said they “were the best spirits the God of heaven could find on the face of the earth”. The Founders acknowledged that they were inspired by Him. They acknowledged that they received His help.

In short, the Constitution is special because it came from God and is a part of His plan for this earth.

Published October 10, 2016

How did we get the Constitution?

Soon after the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the States adopted a new form of government. The new government had a constitution called the Articles of Confederation. This government lasted through the Revolution and for a few years afterwards.

The Articles of Confederation government proved to be too weak. It lacked the power necessary to create a stable government and society. It lacked the power to deal with foreign governments. Within a few years the country was on the verge of collapse.

Many people in the colonies recognized that in order for the new nation to survive it needed a new form of government. The states decided to send representatives, called delegates, to meet together to change and improve the Articles of Confederation. They met in Philadelphia in 1787. We now call this meeting the Constitutional Convention.

As the delegates met it quickly became apparent that the Articles of Confederation needed to be completely replaced. They spent the entire summer of 1787 debating and discussing a new form of government. The delegates understood that the fate of the new nation depended on the outcome of their meeting. They had many different ideas, and they didn’t always agree, but in the end their hard work paid off with the completion of the the United States Constitution.

When the United States Constitution was finished, it had to be approved (ratified) by 9 of the 13 states to become the law of the land. This occurred on June 21, 1788. Eventually it was approved by all 13 of the states. Since that time it has been the governing document of the United States.

Published October 25, 2016

How are changes made to the Constitution?

The Drafters of the Constitution recognized that unforeseen future circumstances might require changes to the Constitution. Therefore, they provided a process for changes to be made. The process is outlined in Article V. Changes to the Constitution are called amendments and become part of the Constitution for all intents and purposes.

The amendment process can be started by Congress or by the State Legislatures. Congress starts the process by proposing amendments. Proposed amendments must be approved by two thirds of the members of both Houses. The States start the process by asking Congress to call a convention to propose amendments. Two thirds of the States must request a convention before it can be called. Such a convention is often referred to as a constitution convention or con-con.

Amendments proposed by Congress or by a convention must be ratified by three fourths of the States. The ratification can be done by the State Legislatures or by special ratification conventions called in the States. Congress decides which ratification method will be used. Once ratified by the States an amendment becomes part of the Constitution.

There have been 27 Amendments to the Constitution. All 27 originated in Congress. A state called constitutional convention to propose amendments has never occurred. 26 of the 27 amendments were ratified by the State Legislatures and one, the 21st Amendment, by a special ratifying convention.

The amendment process was designed to be difficult. The Founders did not want the Constitution to be amended for trivial reasons or without proper deliberation. The process allows the Constitution to be amended when needed but helps insure that changes will be carefully made.

Published March 5, 2017

What are the branches of the federal government and what do they do?

The Constitution creates a government with three branches. They are called the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Together they form a complete government. Each branch has different responsibilities and powers. The responsibilities and powers given to each branch are defined by the Constitution.

The legislative branch is known as the Congress of the United States. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress is given the power to make the laws of the United States. The Constitution defines the types of laws Congress can and cannot make.

The executive branch consists of the President of the United States, the Vice President, and those who work in the various departments of the national government. The President is in charge of the executive branch. He manages the daily operations of the government, commands the military, works with foreign governments, appoints ambassadors and judges, and enforces the laws made by Congress.

The judicial branch is the Supreme Court and all other courts of the national government. The federal courts settle disputes about the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress. They interpret and apply the Constitution and the laws.

The three branches operate independently. One branch cannot prevent another from going about its daily work. However, each branch is given the ability to prevent the other branches from exceeding their proper power. This ability is a responsibility that helps insure that one branch of government does not become too powerful. The government is designed so that the three branches work together but keep each other under control.

Published October 25, 2016